Kakhuri / Shairebi (Trio Mandili)

Dziś dla relaksu proponuję motyw muzyczny z Gruzji z Civ VI w wykonaniu Trio Mandili:

Jest to ludowa pieśń, o której pisze jeden z użytkowników (@GeorgeKakashvili) w komentarzu pod tym wideo:

The whole song is a charade, therefore you need to know a little more about the culture to enjoy its meaning. Some of pieces of lyrics may look inapproperiate from the perspective of 2020 and western culture, however the origin of the charade has nothing to do with insulting anybody, but friendly mocking with pleasant cultural flavor.

The soundtrack is missing half of the song. The song is about a guy, wanted to marry a girl which appeared too tough with temper and a bit chubby ;) Remember, this is a period of old culture when matchmaking of couples by parents or other parties was a common thing. Matchmaking sometimes was done by parents even at birth of future couple, so sometimes the couple may have not known each other personally for many years. They knew that they already had a match though.. So, somebody had made a bad decision for our poor hero and he is singing a charade to mock the life :) 

intro singing "haralale hariararaale" is the same "na-na-naa" 

the rest of the main lyrics original and translation:

My brother has been annoying me to marry a girl,
So I rode my blue stallion to see the girl (uses word "wife" as already matched lady) to marry.
My future mother-in-law saw me and grabbed the briddle of my horse.

My future mother-in-law saw me and grabbed the briddle of my horse.
She dragged me inside and threw me down like a bear cub.
She brought her - black like a devil (implying that the girl was not of the best appearance with dark and out-of-trends skin color) - and seated her next to me.

*missing text below:

She brought her - black like a devil- and seated her next to me.
I had bought her three belts (decorative jewelry kind of waist belt as one of types of gifts for wedding)
and all of them were pink.
But I could not put any of them on her
As her waist was like a basket. (she was big)

But I could not put any of them on her
As her waist was like a basket.
I lifted her onto horse
and she almost broke its back.
I brought her home
and threw her down like a bear cub. 

I brought her home
and threw her down like a bear cub. 
She fought and beat three other daughters-in-law (old times families lived like a big community under the same shelter or at same premises in houses. It is assumed that his wife could not go along with his brothers' or other relatives' wives)
And the fourth was my mother.
When she finished with my mom
My turn had come.

*the last verse which presents in OST

When she finished with my mom
My turn had come.
She threw me out of window
And I got stuck (in a window frame),
She hit me once or thrice, dusting my back.
