Bubonicon: nihil novi

There was not some huge ASOIAF update. He said he was still working on Winds and that he was really stressed about it and worrying/thinking about his legacy a lot. He was actually really vulnerable and heartfelt about his struggles.

He hinted that there have been disagreements between him and the HOTD showrunners.

Otherwise he just talked about his life and his recent trip to Europe. It was really enjoyable and interesting, but nothing else as far as ASOIAF news.


He talked about visiting Tolkien's grave and being struck by all the memorials left behind by fans. He said he dreamed of leaving such a legacy but worried that he wouldn't if he didn't finish. He also said he thinks of his characters as his children (like all authors do) and that he really wanted them to outlive him. 

He didn't seem bored or fed up with ASOIAF, he seemed like he still loved it and had so many ideas he still wanted to bring to life. 


There were no questions or interviewer, he basically just sat down alone and said "alright I'm just going to talk about what's been going on with me lately.'

He said "House of the Dragon season 1 was great. Season 2... err... I'm going to write a blog post about that."

Later he said he was starting to wonder whether he was a fool for caring about whether the show was good/faithful. He said lots of writers just sell the TV rights and never think about it again and are probably happier. He said he was torn between continuing to fight for a faithful TV adaption and just giving up and letting them do whatever they want while he focuses on the books.

źródło: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/1f091xo/spoilers_published_santa_fe_grrm_panel/

TL;DR: nic nowego
