Brak wieści o Wichrach z WorldConu

Znalazłam wypowiedź Elio Garcia, współautora "Świata Lodu i Ognia" oraz awoiaf wiki, na tym wątku na reddit:

Had a group dinner with him where no one asked him, but also ate lunch with him and the topic of TWoW was briefly touched on. All I can really say is that he's still working on it. It's not done, which is basically what he's tried to tell people via his NaB but people keep refusing to believe him.

I will say that at the time he seemed a bit more chipper about it than what I've seen on some past occasions where he's remarked on the book. But the meal and its setting was pretty good, the conversation was generally chipper (he was pleased to learn of the success of the one official convention program item for ASoIaF and GoT fans, a fan meetup which drew scores of fans from around the world), and of course George had been catching up with many old friends from the world of SF/F and fandom over the past days, so make of that what you will.

The only substantial news I can give on his other endeavors will probably be uninteresting to most here, but since I plan to post about this and my experiences at the convention, I might as well say that Deadline's report that George was preparing an "anthology" series or film of some sort around "The Summer Machine", Michael Cassutt's short film, is wrong. Someone over there got confused on the fact that George has also produced several other short films (his Howard Waldrop adaptations), but at least at that time the idea of doing an anthology series or film featuring them was not something GRRM ever had interest in.

George also had some choices words about the amount of stuff the entertainment trades and websites get completely wrong, or even conjure up out of thin air on occasion.

Czyli wciąż czekamy i odświeżamy notabloga T_T

Być może Elio dorzuci coś nowego, o ile będzie dotyczyło PLiO, na So Spake Martin:

Dalsze niepowodzenia w próbach znalezienia autora ilustracji nowych okładek wydania polskiego Pieśni Lodu i Ognia sprawiają, że chyba się poddam i uznam anonimowość artysty o.O

Btw. nie wiem czy wiecie, ale GRRM ma na swojej stronie zakładkę free stuff:

Skończyłam przeglądać "Grę" i odsłuchiwać jej audiobook, ale zanim wezmę się za coś nowego, planuję odrobinę relaksu z psem i książką. 12 części widoczne na kanale na dniach. Trzymajcie się zdrowo!


  1. Zero zaskoczenia, grubas imho już się poddał.


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